Episode #57 Psychology Behind Influencing Customer Decisions ft. Ed Powers (Service Excellence Partners)

Every decision goes through emotional processing.

How we feel about something at heart is way more important and impactful than what we think about something.

So we need to lead with the heart and rationalize with logic.

Ed Powers, a principal consultant at Service Excellence, joins Josh Schachter for an unchurned conversation about how customer success teams can use psychology to manage expectations, build trust, and drive customer success.

Episode #40 CS [Un]churned – Breaking down Report #33 from CSInsider.co

Welcome to the collaboration episode with CS Insider!

Catch up with hosts Josh Schachter, Kristi Faltorusso, Jon Johnson & Mickey Powell on a discussion about the potential for AI to improve communication between sales and customer success teams, owning renewals, and the need for customer success teams to showcase their value through metrics such as renewals, growth, and advocacy.

Episode #38 CS [Un]churned – Breaking down Report #32 from CSInsider.co

Welcome to the collaboration episode with CS Insider!

Catch up with hosts Josh Schachter, Kristi Faltorusso, Jon Johnson & Mickey Powell on a discussion about the potential for AI to improve communication between sales and customer success teams, owning renewals, and the need for customer success teams to showcase their value through metrics such as renewals, growth, and advocacy.

Episode #31 The Pillars of Go-to-Market Success ft. Judd Borakove (GTM Partners)

It’s a tough time in the business world right now – but that doesn’t mean progress goes right out the window.

In fact, Judd Borkaove, the chief growth and community officer at GTM Partners, looks at it completely differently; Judd, on the latest episode of “Unchurned,” hosted by UpdateAI CEO Josh Schachter, said he believes it’s a “good time” for businesses right now, whether it’s setting the right foundation for a new company or reimagining how an older firm does business.

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At UpdateAI our mission is to help SaaS organizations create a shared understanding of their customers’ needs through existing customer conversations. At our inception we’re doing this by capturing important action items from our users’ meetings, so that no customer need/request slips through the cracks. The model that powers this core use case is our […]