A little about me

Ricardo Ferraris – Engineering Lead
My name is Ricardo Ferraris, but I go by Richard. I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina and I’m 31 years old. Besides my love for programming, I enjoy listening to music (mostly indie-folk), playing guitar, singing, reading, watching movies and TV, cooking (I especially love pastries), and hanging out with my friends and family.
Why I joined UpdateAI
Before joining UpdateAI, I was looking for something more – I was lacking the thrill of being involved in building a product from the ground-up. Luckily, at UpdateAI, I’ve found the opportunity to define the product alongside every member of the team. It’s awesome that everyone can be heard and be part of all the steps that go into the process.
What I do at UpdateAI
I’m an engineering lead at UpdateAI, which means I’m the bridge between functional requirements and technical task design and execution. Alongside others on the team, I design and implement the architecture of all the solutions that work behind (and in front of) the scenes. Right now, our main focus is on creating systems that can be iterated in a healthy way so we can scale easily based on user feedback and business requirements.
Why I'm so excited about UpdateAI
Simply put: I joined UpdateAI because I believe what we’re trying to achieve is awesome. I’m obsessed with efficiency and delivering value. We aim to let CSMs focus on paying attention to their customers while we make sure that nothing slips through the cracks. I think UpdateAI will enable new ways for relationships with customers to be improved. We also have a lot of potential to be integrated with a number of applications and possibly create a larger ecosystem.
Which core company value I align with the most

I love the idea of “Win or Learn.” Sometimes, things are not going to work out, but there will always be lessons you can take from the situation that you can apply in the future.