A little about me

David Sable
My name is David. I’m an American, but because I’ve lived in several different places and countries – New York City, London, Israel, Atlanta – I feel more like a citizen of the world.
I’ve been in marketing/communications/PR and digital data for my whole career. I’ve done everything from writing copy to managing one of the world’s largest PR agencies – and loved every step of the journey. I also have several nonprofit pursuits which all focus on younger, underrepresented audiences. I’m on the board of UNICEF USA and UNCF, as well as on the international board of the Special Olympics.
In my spare time I like to go on walks, hit the beach and go to concerts, plays and movies. I also love to read and play the guitar – poorly, I might add – and sing very, very loudly. Still, I find anything that allows me to be creative is worthwhile. Lastly, I am a grandfather to 5 grandchildren and have been married to my wife for 42 years.
Why I joined UpdateAI
I joined UpdateAI because Josh reached out to me — quite literally. I get more outreach messages than you can imagine. I have a large LinkedIn audience and people reach out to me all the time – and 99% of the time I just don’t answer. I’ll respond to public comments on posts, but I’m wary of private messages.
But I responded to Josh because there was something about how he reached out. I believe that CS is probably one of the most misunderstood, wrongly supported pieces of business. It costs less to keep a customer than it does to acquire a new one. There is research going back hundreds of years that shows if you solve a customer’s problem, they will be with you forever. If a customer comes to you with a problem and you fix it, that increases their loyalty. If they didn’t care about your company or your product, they wouldn’t call — they would simply move on.
I spoke to Josh in person after our initial LinkedIn conversation. I liked what he was doing and his thinking; I also liked how responsive he was. Whatever we talked about elicited some sort of response – if whatever we were talking about couldn’t get a full workstream, then he’d at least check into it. It felt like he had everything under control – and would make a great chief executive to lead this budding company.
What I do at UpdateAI
I advise UpdateAI through my discussions with Josh. I prefer not being on a board. I like just having casual calls when needed. Josh talks to me when he needs an extra thought or help building an idea. We talk about anything from investors to functionality of the site – anything to do with the business, really. It’s never just one topic, which I like. We’ll also meet in person every once in a while to discuss UpdateAI.
Why I'm so excited about UpdateAI
Two reasons: First, I like and respect Josh, and I also think UpdateAI is built on a great idea. It makes sense. It’s the right time for it. The problem today is everyone thinks the solution is in the software. That’s just not true, and Josh understands that well. Tech that enables and gives people the tools necessary to function is truly powerful, and I think we have that here.
Which core company value I align with the most

“It’s About People.” UpdateAI has great core values, all of which I align with. But this company value really resonates with me. It’s not just that it’s about people who work “here.” The whole point is it’s about people, period – not the tech. The technology is wonderful, but it’s about people and how you treat them. That’s where the game is at.