A little about me

Martin Capparelli – Front End Engineer
My name is Martin, but everybody calls me “Cappa” because of my last name, Capparelli. I currently live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is also where I went to university – I graduated from ITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires) as a software engineer. I was part of many student organizations during my time at IBTA, including one club that introduced me to the amazing world of startups. It helped spark my passion for the startup world, certainly, but that’s not my only passion! I love to cook for my friends and family, and I also enjoy producing music in my spare time.
Why I joined UpdateAI
I was excited to join UpdateAI because our company is working to solve a problem I was already interested in. One of my best friends is a lawyer, and we’ve talked several times about how he has to transcribe sections of the court judgements by hand; it got me thinking about how to build a tool that would help users focus on what they do best, rather than the trivial aspects of their jobs. And fortunately, that’s what UpdateAI is doing!
Josh and his team found a way to build a toolset to improve people’s workflows. Not only did they have a great idea, but they built a great team to help make it a reality as well. The energy is so positive and contagious that it makes it easy for me to stay motivated.

What I do at UpdateAI
I am currently on the frontend engineering team. Right now we are building a whole new experience with delightful interfaces. I also like that my role isn’t just focused on coding frontend – I also do code review and design new solutions for our next features.
Why I'm so excited about UpdateAI
More than anything, I’m excited because UpdateAI has a vision. There are several reasons to be optimistic about where we’re headed, but our vision is, for me, the most important. Building a product is not just about designing a beautiful interface – it’s about understanding a problem, solving it, and thinking how that solution will evolve over time in order to add more value.

Which core company value I align with the most

I love all of the values we have because each one represents me in some way. But if I have to pick one, I would say “It’s About People” resonates with me the most. Because in the end, everything comes back to this; every action in our life impacts other people – people are the starting point of every relationship and every project. It’s always important to keep that in mind.