Episode #29: Why Insights Without Accountability Mean Little ft. Dickey Singh (Cast)

This week it’s Dickey Singh, Founder and CEO of Cast app, the leading automation platform for companies to drive growth, sales and referrals from existing customers.
Episode #28 Why Customer Experience Is Critical ft. Robyn Fernandez and Karen Budell (Totango)

When it comes to customer success, Totango is one of the first companies you think about.
Episode #27: What You Need to Know About Product-Led Growth ft. Blake Bartlett (OpenView)

You know how they say someone “wrote the book” on a topic? When it comes to Product-Led Growth, they’re talking about Blake Bartlett.
Episode #25: Creating a Best-In-Class Action Item Detection Model Ft. Chenay Gladstone (Updateai)

In this episode of [Un]churned we feature UpdateAI’s very own Chenay Gladstone. Chenay leads the data annotation and analysis practice at UpdateAI. She is our longest-serving employee and has been a bedrock of our effort to revolutionize natural language programming.
Episode #24: The one metric every CX should know ft. Meenu Agarwal (Workday)

Resources Explore More #CustomerSuccess #UnchurnedPodcast #Leadership #MeetTheTeam #RemoteWork #Startup #WorkLifeBalance Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple Podcasts Watch on Youtube I’ve said it before, but one of my favorite quotes comes from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” I love that approach […]
Episode #21: How to Lead a Thriving Customer Success Organization With LeeRon Yahalomi

This episode packs a punch.
In less than a half hour, LeeRon Yahalomi gives UpdateAI CEO Josh Schachter a handful of great insights on how to lead great customer success organizations.
Episode #19 How to Approach an Irate Customer With Mimecast’s Alice Jeffery

The customer is furious – and now you have to talk to them.
It’s not ideal, but it’s a common situation for anyone working in customer success. So what’s the best way to handle it?
Episode #3: Is Customer Success a function or movement? ft. Alex Farmer

In this unchurned conversation about the rise of the customer success echo chamber with Alex Farmer, VP of Customer Success at Cognite, we discuss:
The June 2022 CS Excellence Awards
The perils of CS as an echo chamber
The need for CS to be a cross functional, multidisciplinary mindset
Learn about Cognite and the CS team there
What to do when high touch isn’t available
Episode #2: Always serve 6 spoons – lessons in building customer trust ft. David Sable

In this unchurned conversation on building trust & the importance of effective note taking with David Sable, you get to learn about
Episode #18 How to Survive (and Thrive in) the Economic Storm With Geoffrey Moore

No one believed Geoffrey Moore would become much of anything in the business world – including those closest to him
Episode #1: Want to Be a Leader? UCLA Anderson’s Dylan Stafford Says You Must Prioritize Integrity and Authenticity

Becoming a great leader is easier said than done. And when it comes to customer success – and business in general – leadership requires the ability to galvanize your team to perform at its highest level, both when you are present and also when you aren’t there, looking over an employee’s shoulder.
Episode #5 Sneak Peek at the Gainsight Pulse -2022 ft. Kellie Capote

This unchurned conversation takes you behind the scenes of the movement into customer lead growth – Pulse 2022 with Kellie Capote, Chief Customer Officer, Gainsight.
Episode #22: How CSMs Can Tackle Stress in 5 Easy Steps With Katharina Schmidt

Let’s be frank for a moment – working in customer success can be a stressful job.
Episode #4: How to Empower Your CS Team in 3 Critical Steps With Jay Nathan

Jay Nathan knows more than most when it comes to leading dynamic customer success teams – and one thing he’s learned along the way is that true leaders never stop learning about how to refine their approach.
Episode #6: How to Build Trust With Your Customers With Rachel Provan

Rachel Provan understands that happy and engaged customers are the heart of any successful business. That’s a lesson that’s stuck with her since her first job, when she was running her own catering business at 12 years old in New York City.
Episode #7: How CS Can Evolve to Become Bulletproof With Chris Hicken

Chris Hicken is sounding the alarm. While the customer success world has quickly expanded over the last decade, that doesn’t guarantee the boom will continue in the years to come.
Episode #9 How to Build Essential CS Relationships With Iterate’s Ryan Weisert

It’s been said before that in sales, it’s all about relationships. Well, the same goes for customer success – and Ryan Weisert has seen that firsthand.
Ryan – who recently joined Iterate, a software company focused on customer engagement, as its senior director of enterprise customer success – has built his CS career on the foundation that relationships matter above all else.
Episode #11: How to Maximize Your Meetings With Hunt Club’s Jenny Calvert

Our focus this week is on meetings – and, specifically, how to make sure they’re worthwhile for everyone involved.
Because let’s be frank… a bad meeting can bring an otherwise productive day to a screeching halt. That’s one reason many of the biggest business names in the world, from Jeff Bezos to Elon Musk, have said they don’t love meetings.
Episode #12: The Secret to Being a Leader Who Dares To Empower Others With Nils Vinje

If you’re looking to level up your CS leadership skills, Nils Vinje is the man you want to listen to.
Nils is a renowned leadership coach and the founder of B2B Leaders Academy, where he works with leaders from different organizations and frames leadership as the ability to be able to empower others and create an environment where their ability can blossom.
Episode #13: How to leverage the entrepreneurial spirit to overcome adversity – with Catalyst’s Edward Chiu

Let’s call a spade a spade: The economy is rough. That’s clear to anyone working in the business world, from management to marketing to sales to customer success.