A little about me

Sergey Kondratiuk, Data Scientist
My name is Sergey. I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine (the capital). I have a PhD in Data Science. I like to spend my free time with my family and playing video games with my friends. I have a cat named Persik (“Peach” in English) and a dog named Businka (“Pearl” in English).

Why I joined UpdateAI
I was looking for something more challenging than what I was doing at the time. I wanted to stay in the NLP (Natural Language Processing) field, because that is where I feel most proficient. A local Ukrainian recruiter had reached out to me on LinkedIn about UpdateAI. I decided to look further into UpdateAI. I spoke to Johnny (a former UpdateAI data scientist) and Josh, the CEO. I really liked both of them. In the technical interview, I felt like Johnny and I had very similar mindsets in how to approach UpdateAI’s challenge, so I liked it a lot. Josh seemed very passionate about UpdateAI and seemed very knowledgeable about developing startups. My conversations with both of them made me feel confident in the team.
What I do at UpdateAI
I work on the data science team. There are two things I work on mostly: data and building machine learning models. I try to get the most I can from the data we collect, like insights, structure, taxonomy, rules, and patterns. I also try to build the best machine learning models that I can based on our data and the insights that we get from the data. Additionally, I try to understand the value the data science side can bring to the user and try to improve it.

Why I'm so excited about UpdateAI
I really like the team. I really like the approach we’re taking. I think our team is lean and well structured, and people on the team are super nice. At some point in my life, I just decided that I wanted to work on a great team in a comfortable environment, and I found that at UpdateAI. That’s the best thing about it, internally. Externally, I enjoy the challenge of building the world’s best meeting assistant and the value we bring to our customers.
Which core company value I align with the most

“Win or Learn”. It’s important, especially for a startup that’s developing something new. The data science and technical teams do a great deal of research. Sometimes, some of the things we try out “fail” or don’t prove to be as good as we had thought, but the team is always supportive, and we keep trying to learn from those failures. I think it’s inspiring that the team is very supportive in our research, even if our research doesn’t yield the best results.